Estrella Morente offers a Flamenco Mass at the official closing of the 5th Congreso Internacional Universitario de Investigación sobre Flamenco

Estrella Morente - Misa Flamenca

Estrella Morente - Misa Flamenca

Photos: Rafael Manjavacas / Paco Manzano

Nearly a thousand people attended the Flamenco Mass sung by Estrella Morente who moved all those present when she interpreted along with her family the mass written by her father, Enrique Morente, 25 years ago.

During the mass led by Luis Emilio Pascual, chaplin of the UCAM, the Granada singer interpreted Introito a la celebración (Lope de Vega, Morente), Kirye (Morente), Gloria (Fray Luis de León, Morente), Credo (San Juan de la Cruz, Morente), Agnus Dei (traditional, Morente), Sanctus (Fray Luis de León, traditional, Morente), and the Salve a la Virgen María (P. Garfias, Juan del Encina, Morente).


The 5th Congreso Internacional Universitario de Investigación sobre Flamenco, organized by the Catholic University o Murcia (UCAM) and the Cante de las Minas Foundation, was held December 2nd to 4th, inaugurated with a conference by Juan Manuel Suárez Japón, Catedrático of Geografía Humana, with lectures by José Luis Navarro García, Rafael Infante Macías, Philippe Donnier, José Francisco Ortega Castejón and Cristina Cruces. Roundtable talks included the topics “Flamenco y Cine”, “Tendencias de investigación de las ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte aplicado al baile flamenco” and “Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la difusión del flamenco”.

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