Estrella Morente & Familia & Israel Galván

Estrella Morente -  Cante de las Minas

Estrella Morente - Cante de las Minas

Once again, Estrella Morente was the center of attention at the Festival del Cante de las Minas for the first of the gala shows of this year's edition, along with her family, in addition to guest artists Israel Galván and Alfredo Lagos

Estrella Morente, with the guitar of her uncle Montoyita, and part of her family, Monti, Antonio Carbonell, La Globo, Angel Gabarre, Popo and her brother, José Enrique Morente.

Estrella Galván, Alfredo Lagos, Estrella Morente , foto: Paco Manzano

Estrella's recital included many references to her father, Enrique Morente.  She sang tarantas, seguiriyas, alegrías, tangos, songs such as «No Dudaría» of Antonio Flores, la «Habanera Imposible» of Carlos Cano, and the famous «Volver».

Antonio Carbonell also sang, and Estrella's brother, José Enrique Morente, showed the La Unión audience what he was capable of with two cantes.

One of the most awaited moments of the evening was the appearance of dancer Israel Galván who performed siguiriyas near the beginning, and returned towards the end of the concert, along with Estrella and all the musicians on stage.  The singer repeatedly expressed her thanks for being chosen to give the inaugural speech of the 55th Festival del Cante de las Minas, and for the outpouring of affection from the people of La Unión, and all flamenco fans.



Agenda cultural

El torero murciano Pepín Liria ha recibido esta tarde el máximo galardón institucional del Festival Internacional del Cante de las Minas, el Castillete de oro, cuya entrega ha tenido lugar en el salón de actos del Ayuntamiento de La Unión.

La Agenda Cultural del festival se ha completado hoy con la presentación del libro `Cartas (1954-1986)´  María Cegarra Salcedo-María Teresa Cervantes `La sombra que me acompaña (1998-2007)´. 

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