Arcángel «Olor a tierra» at the Cante de las Minas

Arcángel en el Cante de las Minas

Arcángel en el Cante de las Minas

Photos: Rafael Manjavacas

The singer from Huelva was the focus of the final gala show of the Festival with his work «Olor a Tierra», with guest artist Patricia Guerrero

Although sinnger Arcángel has never participated in the Festival's contests, he has always collaborated with the city of La Unión. Several years ago, he was in one of the first performances in the Mina Agrupa Vicenta.  Last year he was also featured in the flamenco bullfight, along with his friend Estrella Morente.

Last night he appeared at the Cathedral of Cante, with a meticulously prepared show already presented at other important flamenco festivals, always with great success.  He was backed by the chorus of Los Mellis, the guitars of Miguel Ángel Cortés and Dani de Morón and the percussion of Agustín Diassera.  On this occasion, though not always, the show included Granada dancer Patricia Guerrero, winner of the Desplante prize for dance in 2007.

With the Mellis and Diassera keeping rhythm, and both guitarists on stage, Arcángel came on singing pregones and walking around the stage, first with the palmeros and Miguel Ángel Cortés, and lastly with Dani de Morón, as he showed his singing credentials.  He interpreted soleá, fandangos, bulerías, siguiriyas, alegrías, malagueñas and tangos in a very well-rounded show, with the icing on the cake being Patricia Guerrero's dancing that triggered a grand ovation from the audience.

Arcángel - Cante de las Minas

The show ended with cantiñas, bulerías and a final obligatory fandango as an encore demanded by the audience.  Arcángel thanked La Unión, his followers and the Festival del Cante de las Minas: «we all know what La Unión represents».  Last night was the first time he presented a show of his own: «I wanted to come on my own, not because anyone bothers me, but because otherwise I feel like I haven't given my all».

Arcángel is currently putting the finishing touches on a new recording scheduled for autumn.  Recorded live at three important venues, the singer has taken a step backwards in time in an attempt to revive the era of the tablaos, «where so many major flamenco stars were formed».

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