To wrap up the fifth edition of the series «LECTURAS EN EL CENTRO»
this year dedicated to Rafael Alberti and the Generation of '27 which
has been going on since the beginning of July, on Tuesday August 19th
(the anniversary of Federico's assassination), and as the icing on the
cake, there is to be a full day of activities titled LORCALBERTI. For
twelve hours that day, by means of a complete program of activities, the
CENTRO ANDALUZ DE FLAMENCO will be impregnated with the spirit of that
artistic generation which proved to be so crucial for the art of flamenco.
There will be poetry readings, cinema, audiovisual installations, and
of course flamenco guitar, dance and cante will play an important part.
At midday a complimentary 'gazpacho andaluz' will be served.
10.00 Projection of the film «Bodas de sangre» by Carlos
12.00 Projection of the short «Un perro andaluz» by Luis
Buñuel and Salvador Dali
12.30 Poetry reading: «Romancero gitano» by Federico García
Lorca. «Marinero en tierra» by Rafael Alberti