Matilde Coral and Chano Lobato, Special Mención for their «Historias de Arte»
The Company of Antonio Márquez has been awarded the “Premio
de la Crítica” [Critics’ Choice] for the Ninth Festival
de Jerez of Spanish and Flamenco Dance by the Revista de Flamencología
from the institution of the same name, and as decided by the critics present
at this event which took place Thursday, March 10th at the Bodega de San
Ginés, home of the Consejo Regulador Jerez-Xérés-Sherry,
Manzanilla y Vinagre de Jerez, who sponsor the awards.
The winning show enjoyed a resounding success on March 8th at the Villamarta
Theater with a presentation that consisted of “El sombrero de tres
picos” with the music of Manuel de Falla, Zapateado and Ravel’s
Because of its undeniable quality, the jury also agreed to award Special
Mention to “Historia de Arte”, a staged dialogue with cante
and dance featuring singer Chano Lobato and dancer Matilde Coral, which
took place at the González Byass bodega “Los Apóstoles”
within the series Café Cantante the evening of March 4th, 2005.
These prizes awarded by the critics who attended the Jerez festival celebrated
from February 25th to March 9th have been awarded each year since 1999,
this being the second time the Compañía of Antonio Márquez
has won.
This year’s prizes will be presented at a future date in an organized
event to take place at the Consejo Regulador of Jerez wines.
1999 Compañía de Antonio el Pipa
2000 Compañía de Antonio Márquez
2001 Compañía de Sara Baras
2002 Jointly to the Ballet Nacional de España and choreographer
Antonio Gades for his show “Fuenteovejuna”
2003 Javier Latorre and the Compañía de Danza for their
show “Rinconete y Cortadillo”
2004 Jose de Udaeta for his show “El secreto de la castañuela”
Fermín Lobatón – Diario de Cádiz
Estela Zatania –
Diario de Jerez
José Mª Castaño – Onda Jerez
Antonio Núñez – Radio Jerez SER
Juan de la Plata – Revista de Flamencología
David Montes –
Luis Román – COPE
José Manuel Gamboa – La Razón
Kioko Shikaze – Revista el Paseo-Japón