One of flamenco’s best-known singers is about to release his latest recording. José Mercé of Jerez, Santiago and the world, 50 years old and eternally young for his numerous fans, has made it to the top of his profession thanks to a carefully constructed combination of flamenco pop and «cante» of the most traditional sort.
From humble and authentic roots comes this extraordinarily flamenco voice
which became known to the general public in the year 2000 with the recording
“Del Amanecer” with Vicente Amigo. Two other recordings followed,
“Lío” in 2002 and “Confí de Fuá”
in 2004, consolidating his absolute relevance in the most contemporary
panorama of pop flamenco, never forgetting the origins. Mercé conserves
the heritage of his art handed down from a long line of legendary flamenco
artists and his cante satisfies the demands of hardcore connoiseurs at
the same time as he is admired by the general public.
On this occasion Paco Ortega is the producer of the recording scheduled
to be releasted in February, a flamenco event that brilliantly kicks off
the 2006 season just in time for the opening of the Festival de Jerez
which begins on the 24th of the same month.
El guitarrista y compositor José Almarcha publica el álbum "Un nuevo paseo" tras lanzar los sencillos "Raíz y Paloma”, una Soleá a Manolo Sanlúcar, “Baladilla de ...
Letras. José Esteban Rodríguez CosanoCante. Juan SotoGuitarras. Antonio Carrión y Luis Calderíto.Edita: Antequera Record S .L Por Antonio Nieto del ...
El guitarrista y compositor José Almarcha publica el álbum "Un nuevo paseo" tras lanzar los sencillos "Raíz y Paloma”, una Soleá a Manolo Sanlúcar, “Baladilla de ...
Letras. José Esteban Rodríguez CosanoCante. Juan SotoGuitarras. Antonio Carrión y Luis Calderíto.Edita: Antequera Record S .L Por Antonio Nieto del ...
El guitarrista y compositor José Almarcha publica el álbum "Un nuevo paseo" tras lanzar los sencillos "Raíz y Paloma”, una Soleá a Manolo Sanlúcar, “Baladilla de ...
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