Farruquito to retire from performing within Spain.

The dancer plans to finish out the contracts already signed for his November-December tour of Andalusia but then will not return to Spanish stages in the coming years.

mother, La Farruca, and brother, Farruco, will take over the company which
also includes his aunt La Faraona and cousin Barullo. Farruquito himself
will not appear on stage but will act as artistic director of the most
flamenco group currently performing.

The resulting program will include alegrías by Farruco and Barullo,
“Tangos de las niñas” with La Faraona, singers María
Vizárraga and Encarnita Anillo, Farruco’s seguiriya, Barullo
por soleá, “Bulería galáctica” by Farruco,
and “Romance” with La Farruca ending with “Jaleos”
for the closing fiesta number.


The music is the responsibility of guitarist Román Vicenti who
is a member of the company along with El Perla, and the singing of Antonio
Villar, Jorge Rubio, El Canastero, José Valencia and the aforementioned
Mari Vizárraga and Encarna Anillo.

According to his company Faccino
s, Farruquito is preparing a recording in which the dancer
will compose the music and all the verses, as he did with a theme for
Niña Pastori and Montse Cortés whose record is soon to be

More information:
Farruquito and family
in Madrid

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