Ángel Rojas presents «El Arte por Delante» at Corral de la Moreria

Angel Rojas - El arte por delante

Angel Rojas - El arte por delante

Photos: Paco Manzano

«El Arte por Delante» is a new work directed, choreographed and interpreted by the Madrid dancer and debuting at Corral de la Moreria.

From February 2nd to 16th, two shows daily, at 9:00pm and 10:55pm

On Sunday February 2nd Corral de la Morería, considered the best flamenco tablao in the world, will host the presentation and debut of “El Arte por Delante”, a show directed by Madrid dancer Ángel Rojas, who defines his most recent creation as “a vital work of the sort every flamenco performer seeks to achieve.  Profound and flamenco.  It is the flavor of beautiful Málaga…Moorish Córdoba…old Madrid”.

Ángel Rojas has created and interpreted choreographies for the Ballet Nacional de España, and is currently one of the great stars of the flamenco world.  On this occasion he decided to create his new show, “El Arte por Delante” on his own, and present its world premiere at Corral de la Morería.  Along with Ángel Rojas, dancers Pol Vaquero and La Lupi, singers Rocío Bazán, Piculabe and el Pulga, guitarists Curro de María and Oscar Lagos and the percussion of Miguel El Cheyenne are also participating

“El arte por delante”

According to Ángel Rojas, “El Arte por Delante” is an artist’s perspective on art itself.  It’s singing, guitar-playing and dance that come from the heart, sincere and honest.  It’s the theatrical perspective made for a tablao.

The artist also says “the human body is the instrument, and art is the soul that endures.  The body is physical substance and perishes, but the soul is ethereal and goes on forever.  This show is that mixture of the physical, chemical and spiritual; the aroma of sea foam, exoticism and authenticity, a celebration of the senses that puts art before all else, “El Arte por Delante”.


The show includes Tangos de Cádiz, Cantes de Levante, Verdiales, Soleá por bulerías, Romance del Negro del Puerto Alegría de Cádiz, Farruca and Bulerías de Jerez, and can be seen February 2nd through 16th at the Corral de la Morería.

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