5th Dutch Biennial

Flamenco Biennale

Flamenco Biennale

From January 16th to February 3rd 2015, the fifth edition of the Dutch Flamenco Biennial will be held.

From January 16th to February 3rd 2015, the fifth edition of the Dutch Flamenco Biennial will be held.  Ten years bringing flamenco to the most important cities of Holland, ten years of creativity and imagination, a process of constant renovation in each edition.

The Festival travels to 5 cities in Holland:  Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague and Eindhoven.  More than 40 shows of dance and concerts with a full program of master-classes, workshops, lectures, cinema, photography exhibits, culinary flamenco parties, children's shows…

This edition will receive the biggest flamenco stars from the major festivals: Belén Maya and her «Invitados», Marina Heredia, El Pele & Farruquito, the latest work of Israel Galván, this time with Akram Khan in «Torobaka», Andrés Marín with Kader Attou and Divana Ensemble de Rashastan in a world premiere «Yatra», Estévez / Paños / Ruz company wit Artomatico & Sandra Carrasco with Danza 220V, Rosario Toledo with her «Aleluya Erótica», Guadalupe Torres' «Acuérdate Cuando Entonces», in addition to the guitar representation in honor of Paco de Lucía, with Dani de Morón and José Quevedo 'Bolita', while Cañizares will present his most recent work of Falla with mezzosoprano Christianne Stotijn.

The main theme of this edition of the festival is «Crossroads», a place for musical dialogue and unexpected encounters of musical forms and different dance genres, a diverse audience and mixture of performers, all laid out on the three pillars of guitar, singing and dance.  Jazz, modern dance and music, barroque music, Indian and oriental music.

Official websiteFlamenco>Go!Huis Marseille


Amsterdam | Rotterdam | Den Haag | Utrecht



Main Program 

Strings, Flamenco & Orient, Tradition


16 january – Rotterdamse Schouwburg – 8:15 pm


Belén MayaBelén Maya Company  ‘Los Invitados’ 
With: Ana Morales (dance) 
Tomás de Perrate AND José Valencia, Gema Caballero, José Anillo (cante) 
Dutch debut







17 january – Rotterdamse Schouwburg  – 8:15 pm 

Estévez/Pañoz/Ruz – Danza 220V’
Modern dance
With Sandra Carrasco (cante), Daniel Muñoz (sampling)
Dutch debut





10:00 pm

FuZion – Flamenco Amazigh 
Morocco and Holland together in flamenco








18 january  3:00 pm  – Rotterdamse Schouwburg – Kleine zaal

Samba Salad -‘Alegría’
Children's show






18 january (afternoon) – LantarenVenster

La Búsqueda – Documental Paco de Lucía
+ Q & A with Curro Sánchez Varela
Guitar recital Peter Kalb ‘el Periquín’ (NL)


18 january  9:00pm  – LantarenVenster 

Ultra High Flamenco, feat. Oene van Geel, Maarten Ornstein, Tony Roe
Jazz-flamenc- impro from Spain and Holland
creation 2015 – World Premiere

Bagatelles – Ana Morales (baile) & Enrique Tomás (electronics)  
creation 2015 – World Premiere


19 – 30 january – Codarts (Rotterdam Conservatory)

Workshops and masterclasses

With: Cañizares, Paquito González, Faustino Núñez y Renaud García-Fons

Two days of lectures by Faustino Núñez:
Paco de Lucía, 50 years of the best Spanish music
Musical History of Flamenco, 1750-1936



18 january – Volkshotel

Lecture Dancing Light, Let it move you
Photo Exhibit at Huis Marseille

‘A Taste of Flamenco’ Dinner and flamenco party

BVR Flamenco Sexteto + flamenco party


22 january – 8:15 pm – Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ

Marina Heredia – ‘A Mi Tempo’
Guest artist: Jaime el Parrón


Bagatelles Ana Morales & Enrique Tomás
creation 2015




23 january – 8:15 pm – Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ

Cañizares & Christianne Stotijn  & Ed Spanjaard 
Flamenco, De Falla & Montsalvatge
World Premiere


Bagatelles: Ana Morales & Enrique Tomás
creation 2015




24 january  – 8:30 pm – Bimhuis

Noche de Guitarra | Homenaje a Paco de Lucía
Strings – Double Bill:
Jesús Quevedo – Fluye
Paquito González, Antonio Coronel
Dani de Morón – El Sentido del Cambio
El Bo, Los Mellis, Carlos Grilo





25 january – 8:30 pm – Bimhuis 

Ultra High Flamenco, feat. Oene van Geel 
Maarten Ornstein & Tony Roe
Jazz-flamenco from Spain and Netherland
creation 2015





24/25 january (tarde) – Tolhuistuin 

Teresa Jaldón
 Show/Workshops for children

FuZion : Flamenco Amazigh 
Morocco and Holland together in flamenco


27 january – OBA  

Public Masterclass with Farruquito
Theater of the Amsterdam Public Library








28 january – Carré 

El Pele  – ‘Peleando y Punto’
Guest artist: Farruquito and Dorantes 
Dutch Premier 







30 january – Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ 

Flamenco & Orient
double bill:  
Mohammad Motamedi & Rosario La Tremendita – ‘Qasida’ 
creation Bienal 2011

& Bimhuis

Kayhan Kalhor & Erdan Erzincan
‘East meets East’


31 january – Bimhuis

Flamenco & Orient
Renaud García Fons & Derya Türkan
‘Silk Moon Duet’

Documental RGF, Beyond the Double Bass 


February  Bimhuis 

Fiesta clausura Flamen>GO!
Presentations by Dutch groupss:
With : Sábanas de Holanda, La Fábrica & Patricio Hidalgo,presentation of the end of Juan Carlos Lérida's workshop, e.o..


2 & 3 February – 8:30pm – SSBA


Israel Galván & Akram Khan ‘Torobaka’
Dutch Premiere 
Coproduction Amsterdam Municipal Theater SSBA and Dutch Flamenco Bienal








18 january – 3:00pm – Korzo

Sonia Sánchez Cía
Le Ça. El Ello 

With David Soler, El Londro 

24 january – De Nieuwe Regentes

A Taste of Flamenco – Dinner and flamenco party
Interactive activities with
Juan Paredes and Dutch artists
ImproLab with Edsart Udo of Haes/La Nina

Sábanas de Holanda – Pellizcos Flamencos
La Fábrica

25 january – 15:30h – Lucent Danstheater

Andrés Marín & Kader Attou, Divana Ensemble – ‘Yatra’
World Premiere


28 january – De Nieuwe Regentes 

Samba Salad – Alegría

Children's show

30 january -8:30 pm –   Nieuwe Kerk 

Enrike Solinís Quarteto ‘Colores del Sur’
Flamenco and Barocco

31 january – 8:30pm – De Nieuwe Regentes

BVR Flamenco BigBand with special guest artist Miguel Rodríguez (piano)

1 February -4:00 pm – De Nieuwe Kerk 

FuZion: Flamenco Amazigh
Morocco and Holland together in flamenco
Flamenco NL



17 january – 3:00 pm- RASA 

Samba Salad – Alegría
Children's show


17 january -8:30pm – RASA 

Peter Kalb El Periquín Quartet 
with Israel Suárez ‘Piraña’ Juan José Suárez ‘Paquete’ 


23 january -8:30pm – RASA 

Rosario Toledo – ‘Aleluya Erótica’,  with Dani de Morón  and José Valencia
Dutch premiere 

29 january (17:30-19:00) – RASA

Public Masterclass with Farruquito


29 january  8:30pm – TivoliVredenburg –


La Fábrica


'Renaud García-Fons Quartet- beyond the Double Bass'
Documental by Nicolas Datillesi (Fa) 58m 


Renaud García-Fons Quartet- ‘La Línea del Sur’


Bernard van Rossem Flamenco Jazz Sextet

Cloud9 -22:15

Ultra High Flamenco, feat. Oene van Geel 
Maarten Ornstein, Tony Roe
Creation 2015 


1 February – Willibrordkerk 

Enrike Solinís Quarteto ‘Colores del Sur’
Flamenco y Barocca


18 january – Muziekcentrum Frits Philips

Guadalupe Torres  – ‘Acuérdate Cuándo Entonces’








Parallel Program

Especial Edición Aniversario: 

* Exhibit ‘Dancing Light| Let it move you’ – Show about the relationship between dancing and photography, focusing on flamenco. 

Flamenco Biënnale Nederland in collaborationn with Huis Marseille, photography museum in Amsterdam: www.huismarseille.nl from December 13 – March 15.

With works by Pilar Albairracín, Xavier Miserach, Isabel Múñoz, Herbert Matter/Vicente Escudero, Johan van der Keuken, Valérie Belin, Miguel Ángel Ríos, e.o.

* Exhibit Patrimonio Con Duende –Chema Conesa 11 January –1 March 2015

In collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes and Suma Flamenca| Comunidad de Madrid

* Trazos – Patricio Hidalgo Drawings Bimhuis Amsterdam, 22 January – 2 February.

Lectures by musicologists Saskia Törnqvist, Wim van der Meer e.o. 

Cinema ‘La Búsqueda’ by Curro Sánchez, ‘Colección de Retratos’ Féliz Vázquez, Triana Pura y Pura of Ricardo Pachón, Renaud García-Fons Beyond the Double Bass of Nicolás Datillesi. 


Flamen>Go ! 

*Pre and aftershows about the performances :  Pellizcos flamencos holandeses con La Fábrica, Sábanas de Holanda y otros ; Interactive activities: ‘A Taste of Flamenco’ Dinner and flameno party.

*Masterclasses and workshops for students: in collaboration with Codarts (Rotterdam conservatory), Conservatory of Amsterdam, Conservatory of La Haya

Workshops for amateurs, dance, cante, guitar, palmas in collaboration with Dutch flamenco organizations:  Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and Eindhoven.

Specialized workshops for professionals of flameco and modern dance with Juan Carlos Lérida.


Huis Marseille

Flamen Go! Workshops

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