The program of one of Madrid’s most awaited flamenco festivals has been unveiled. After the closing of the Teatro Albéniz and the use of the venue Teatro Canal, this 18th edition with be held at the Teatro Circo Price, right across the street from the Casa Encendida where the parallel activities of the festival will continue to be held.
From February 15-20, except for the 18th, Carmen Linares, Vicente Soto Sordera, Diego el Cigala, Arcángel, Dorantes, Enrique Morente, Grilo, Toni el Pelao and la Uchi, Mayte Martin and of course the artist to be honored in this edition, Enrique de Melchor, who will receive the Galardón Flamenco Puerto de Alcalá.
Parallel activites will take place from February 23rd to 26th at the usual place in the Casa Encendida of the Obra Social of Caja Madrid, where, in adition to the interesting conferences, we will be able to enjoy the art of veterans like Jesús Chozas, Manolo Franco and Gabrial Moreno, or young dancers like Selen Muñoz and singers Piculabe and Toñi Fernández.
Ronda de Atocha, 35 – Madrid – Tel.: 91 527 98 65
Lunes 15 de febrero – 21:00 horas
Monday 15 February – 9:00pm
Salvador Gutiérrez and Eduardo Pacheco, guitars; Ana Mari González and Javier González, chorus and palmas; Adolfo Lobato, chorus and dance.
«La poesía en el cante»: Lorca poems, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Caballero Bonald…»
Pepe del Morao and Manuel Valencia, guitars; Sebastián Fuenzalida, violincello and bass; Edu soto, piano; Manu Soto, percussion; Gema and Lely Soto, palmas and chorus. Music director: Vicente Soto
«Geografías flamencas: Sevilla, Jerez, Cádiz» (peoms of Antonio Machado, Rafael Alberti, Caballero Bonald…)
Presentation of the Galardón Flamenco Calle de Alcalá de Honor to José Manuel Caballero Bonald
Tuesday 16 February – 9:00pm
Galardón Flamenco Calle Alcalá 2010
Flamenco guitar in concert: ENRIQUE DE MELCHOR Group
Luis Miguel Manzano, second guitar; Juan Parrilla, flute; El Guille, percussion; Chato de Vélez, cantaor; Marta Heredia and Loli Heredia, chorus and compás. Alfonso Losa, guest dancer.
Cante: MAYTE MARTÍN with Juan Ramón Caro on guitar
Presentation of the Galardón Flamenco Calle de Alcalá 2010 to Enrique de Melchor
Wednesday 17 February – 9:00pm
Homenaje a Los Pelaos de Madrid: TONI EL PELAO y LA UCHI «La dinastía centenaria del baile flamenco»
Toni el Pelao, dance, choreography; La Uchi, dance, choreography; Juan Serrano, guitar; Luis Miguel Manzano, guitar; Pepe Jiménez, cante; Guest artist: Charo Manzano, cante.
Jumitus, piano; Yelsi Heredia, double bass; Porrina, percussion and Morao, guitar
Friday 19 February – 9:00pm
Miguel Ángel Cortés, guitar; Agustín Diassera, percussion; Antonio Saavedra y Manuel Saavedra, chorus and palmas
Piano and music director: DORANTES
«Piano abierto con Grilo».
Joaquín Grilo, dance; Yelsy Heredia, double bass; Rafael de Utrera, voice; Tete Peña, percussion
Tickets at the Teatro Circo Price: frin Tuesday to Friday from 4:00pm to 9:00pm, and from 2 hours before each show. Tel. 91 528 81 22 91 528 81 22
Tel.: 902 876 870 902 876 870 and cash machines of the Caja Madrid
15th, 16th, 17th and 19th: Butacas Platea 33,00 €; Butacas Tribuna Baja 28,00 €;
Butacas Tribuna alta 25,00 €
Día 20: Butacas Platea 35,00 €; Butacas Tribuna Baja 33,00 €; Butacas Tribuna Alta 28,00 €
Talks and recitals – FEBRERO 2010
Ronda de Valencia, 2 – Tfno.: 902 430 322
Entrance with invitation until full. Invitations may be collected two hours before each activity at the Casa Encendida information desk.
Tuesday 23 February – 7:00pm
Tertulia: «Gerundino Fernández guitarrero de leyenda»
Participants: Paco Urrutia y Norberto Torres
Moderator: José Manuel Gamboa
Guitar recital: Manolo Franco
Wednesday 24 February – 7:00pm
Tertulia: «Centenario de Rafael Romero ‘El Gallina’. La pureza del cante»
Participants: Perico El del Lunar, Paco El Pecas y José Mª Velázquez-Gaztelu
Modera: Miguel Espin
Recital de cante: Gabriel Moreno
Thursday 25 February – 7:00pm
Tertulia: «Los poetas y el cante»
Participants: Manuel Ríos Ruiz, Félix Grande y Francisco Gutiérrez Carbajo
Modera: Ángel Álvarez Caballero
Recital de cante: Jesús Chozas con la guitar de Rafael Andújar
Tickets: 3,00 €
Tickets on sale beginning three days before concert at: cash machines of the Caja Madrid,, by phone 902 488 488, 902 488 488 and at the Casa Encendida from 10.00am to 9:45pm
Friday 26 February – 8:00pm
«El flamenco más joven en La Casa Encendida»
Cante: Toñi Fernández
Cante: El Piculabe
Dance: Selene Muñoz
El guitarrista y compositor José Almarcha publica el álbum "Un nuevo paseo" tras lanzar los sencillos "Raíz y Paloma”, una Soleá a Manolo Sanlúcar, “Baladilla de ...
Letras. José Esteban Rodríguez CosanoCante. Juan SotoGuitarras. Antonio Carrión y Luis Calderíto.Edita: Antequera Record S .L Por Antonio Nieto del ...
El guitarrista y compositor José Almarcha publica el álbum "Un nuevo paseo" tras lanzar los sencillos "Raíz y Paloma”, una Soleá a Manolo Sanlúcar, “Baladilla de ...
Letras. José Esteban Rodríguez CosanoCante. Juan SotoGuitarras. Antonio Carrión y Luis Calderíto.Edita: Antequera Record S .L Por Antonio Nieto del ...
El guitarrista y compositor José Almarcha publica el álbum "Un nuevo paseo" tras lanzar los sencillos "Raíz y Paloma”, una Soleá a Manolo Sanlúcar, “Baladilla de ...
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